Thirteen Must Follow Advices for Every Employee

Embark on a journey of professional excellence with these thirteen indispensable pieces of advice tailored for every employee's success.

13 must follow advices to Every Employee
13 must follow advices to Every Employee

1. It is advisable to consider building a home earlier in life.

  • Waiting until the age of 50 to build a house should not be seen as an achievement.
  • Relying solely on government or company provided housing can be dangerously comfortable.
  • Instead, prioritize creating a comfortable and enjoyable space for your entire family.

2. Remember to prioritize your family and make time to go home.

  • It is important to not become overly consumed by work throughout the year.
  • While you may play a significant role in your department, it is crucial to recognize that if something were to happen to you, you would be replaced immediately and operations would continue. Therefore, make your family a priority.

3. Do not chase only for Promotions.

  • Rather than constantly chasing promotions, focus on mastering your skills and excelling in your current role.
  • If opportunities for promotion arise, that is great. However, if they do not, maintain a positive attitude towards your personal development.

4. Avoid gossips and criticzing activities.

  • Steer clear of office gossip and avoid engaging in activities that could tarnish your name or reputation.
  • Refrain from joining negative conversations that involve backbiting your superiors or colleagues.
  • Distance yourself from gatherings that solely focus on criticizing others.

 5. Do not compete with others.

  • It is not advisable to compete with your bosses or colleagues. Doing so will only lead to negative consequences.
  • Avoid getting yourself into situations where you may face negative outcomes or unnecessary stress.

6. Venture into some side business.

  • It is wise to have a side business in addition to your regular job.
  • Depending solely on your salary may not be sufficient to meet your long-term needs.

7. Start early Savings.

  • Make an effort to save some money by setting up automatic deductions from your payslip. This will help you build a financial cushion for the future.

8. Invest to generate passive income.

  • If you need to borrow money, do so with the intention of investing in a business venture or improving your situation, rather than using it to purchase luxury items.
  • Luxury purchases should be made from the profits generated by your investments.

 9. Keep the line between Professional and Personal Life.

  • Keep your personal life, marriage, and family separate from your work life.
  • It is crucial to maintain boundaries and ensure that your loved ones are not affected by any work-related issues. This is of utmost importance.

10. Be loyal to your work, not your Boss.

  • Stay loyal to yourself and have faith in your work.
  • While it is important to maintain a good relationship with your boss, be cautious not to alienate yourself from your colleagues.
  • Remember that your boss may eventually leave, and relying solely on that relationship may lead to disappointment in the long run.

11. Plan Early Retirement.

  • Begin planning for your early retirement as soon as possible. Aim to be out of the workforce by the age of 40 to 50.
  • Instead of wasting your leave days, use them wisely to work on building your future. How you spend your leave days is often indicative of how you will live after retirement.
  • Don't spend all your time watching TV shows, as it won't lead to a fulfilling retirement.

12. Take steps for Financial freedom.

  • Remember that your pension money is meant to support your daily needs and maintain your health, not to fund new projects or extravagant purchases.
  • It is important to prioritize your own well-being and financial stability.

13. Try to be Role Model.

  • When you retire, strive to be a role model for your colleagues by living a fulfilling and enjoyable life.
  • Don't become a cautionary tale of post-retirement misery.


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