AMRIT Technology: Key Features and Benefits

The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-Madras) has recently introduced a groundbreaking technology known as 'AMRIT' (Arsenic and Metal Removal by Indian Technology).

The Indian government is dedicated to ensuring that all rural households in the country have access to safe and clean tap water in sufficient quantity and of the required quality on a regular and long-term basis. To achieve this goal, the government launched the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in August 2019, which will be implemented in collaboration with the states.

AMRIT Technology developed by IIT-Madras
AMRIT Technology developed by IIT-Madras

The responsibility of choosing the appropriate technology to tackle water quality problems in areas affected by water quality lies with the State/ UT Governments, as drinking water falls under their jurisdiction. The Government of India is collaborating with academic institutions like IITs to support the efforts of the States by offering guidance on different technologies that can be used to address these issues.

All About AMRIT Technology:

  • The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras has recently introduced a groundbreaking technology known as 'AMRIT' (Arsenic and Metal Removal by Indian Technology).
  • This innovative solution is designed to effectively eliminate Arsenic and Metal ions from water. By utilizing nano-scale iron oxy-hydroxide, it selectively targets and removes arsenic when water passes through it.
  • AMRIT is suitable for both individual households and community-level water purification.
  • This technology is in line with the broader objectives of the Jal Jeevan Mission, which strives to provide safe and drinkable tap water to rural households in India. 
  • Furthermore, the technology has received a recommendation from the esteemed 'Standing Committee' of the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, highlighting its effectiveness in addressing water and sanitation challenges.

About Arsenic, its properties and effects:

  • Arsenic, a naturally occurring element found in the earth's crust, is extensively present in the air, water, and land. Its inorganic form is extremely poisonous, posing a significant risk to human health.
  • Arsenic, in its most stable form, appears as a steel-grey, brittle solid with limited thermal and electrical conductivity. While certain variations of elemental arsenic may resemble metals, it is more accurately classified as a non-metal.
  • Prolonged consumption of water contaminated with arsenic can result in arsenic poisoning or arsenicosis, leading to various skin, bladder, kidney, or lung cancers, as well as skin diseases.
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) has established a provisional guideline value of 0.01 mg/l (10 μg/l) for arsenic in drinking water, emphasizing the importance of minimizing its presence.
  • In India, the permissible limit for arsenic in the absence of an alternative water source is set at 0.05 mg/l (50 μg/l), highlighting the need for strict adherence to safety standards.

In accordance with the operational guidelines for the execution of Jal Jeevan Mission, it is imperative to promptly address the water quality issues, including Arsenic contamination, in affected habitations. This involves the provision of short-term measures until the implementation of piped water supply schemes based on alternative safe water sources.

As per the PIB report, as of 06.12.2023, all 378 habitations affected by Arsenic, which were yet to receive tap water supply to households, have now been provided with safe drinking water. This has been made possible through the establishment of Community Water Purification Plants (CWPPs), ensuring access to clean drinking water for the residents as well as for cooking purposes.

For these households, this AMRIT Technology proves game-changer as well as life-changer and life-saver.


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