"Revolutionizing Reading: Discover Engaging Ebooks"

"The Digital Age of Reading: Explore a World of Knowledge"

To live a life and to learn in a life are both different things. It is said that learning comes from everywhere and the biggest source of learning is Books. Now a days, to keep a collection of Books at a home has gone. You can see nearby a man who has read thousands of books but you have never seen a single copy of book in his hand.

There is no need to buy or keep bundles of books with us. There are more than lakhs of books available to read nearby us. We have to just find the exact address of it.

Search for right Book
In the search for some interesting and helpful Reading Treasures?

Let us talk about these addresses/resources means some interesting websites which are available to users to satisfy their reading needs.

Here are 7 most amazing websites useful for any type of reference: 

1. What Should I Read Next? (https://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/)

  • This website will suggest which book we should read next based on inputs given by us.
  • Book recommendations based on your interest.
  • It will give various excellent quotes along with its meaning.
  • You can also make wish list.

2. Glose (https://glose.com/)

  • Excellent App for eBook readers.
  • You can bookmark your page so that you can start to read again from where you have left.
  • You can take notes from reading the books.
  • You can note down your daily reading activity so that you can track record.
  • You can take note of difficult words so that you can improve your vocabulary. 

3. BookBub (https://www.bookbub.com/)

  • This website also recommends books based on your selected category.
  • Here books are very cheap compare to market rates.
  • It will also give comparison of price of same book available on different websites so that you can buy with the best deal available.
  • It will also read reviews of various books.

4. Internet Archive (https://archive.org/)

  • It is the not-for-profit master archive of all online archives of various Libraries and museums of the world.
  • It is the treasure for students, readers and researchers around the world.
  • You can even get to read the copy of rare Books. Magazines, biographies etc which are not normally available in the market.
  • It is the free source to read or download the books which you want to get and even you can upload your own literature in the form of book, audio, video or image.

5. Electric Literature (https://electricliterature.com/)

  • If you want to start reading but you don’t know what to read, from where to start, how to start etc. then this is the platform which will guide you thoroughly.
  • It will give you the list of various best books both fiction and non-fiction along with their reviews.
  • You can get recommendations for the best books, essays, poems, magazines etc. to start your interest with full energy.

6. Literary Hub (https://lithub.com/)

  • It is deeper than Electric Literature website. It recommends the world renowned literatures available in the market.
  • It not only gives recommendations but it gives snippets from the famous books, essays, poems. You can first read snippets and then can decide whether whole book you want to read or not.
  • It organizes literary events and it has its own radio channel. You can also get audio books to read.

7. SparkNotes (https://www.sparknotes.com/)

  • This website is most useful for the students.
  • It gives summery of various classical books and even you can get chapter-wise analysis of books.
  • It also discuss about main goal, idea and keynotes behind the books.
  • It has whole separate section on the works of Shakespeare.
  • You can even play quiz on your favourite book.
  • You can see the recommendations made by reviewers and also read insights and reviews of the book.
Here, I have given you some of the excellent resources for Self-development. Now, it's your turn to use it as much as you can.

Ultimately, Books are those treasures; if you ravage it still it's not a crime.


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